À propos
La FRLC (Fédération de Recherche Langage et Communication) fédère des chercheurs en sciences sociales et cognitives, en sciences du langage, du numérique, de l’éducation, de l’information et de la communication réunis dans le but,...
Faculté de Psychologie, 12 rue GoethePavillon du jardin universitaire – salle Dolto 9h00 Accueil des participants 9h20 Ouverture 9h30 La question d’élocution : facteur d’exclusion de prêtres africains dans lesparoisses d’accueil en FranceDarius LUTENDE...
La FRLC (Fédération de Recherche Langage et Communication) fédère des chercheurs en sciences sociales et cognitives, en sciences du langage, du numérique, de l’éducation, de l’information et de la communication réunis dans le but,...
These investments were aimed at nourishing our member’s skills in key areas related to mental health and well-being. The tangible result was a mindfulness meditation workshop, put together from scratch (one hour a week...
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD is the new name for specific oral language disorder, or dysphasia and has consequences for both the development of children and adolescents, and for the everyday life of families. Parents,...
https://methal.pages.unistra.fr/ This project aims to create a large corpus of theater in Alsatian, a valuable resource for French regional languages. The corpus can be used for a variety of quantitative and qualitative analyses to...
https://anr.fr/Project-ANR-21-CE27-0004 Very few resources and tools are available for regional languages in France compared to French. Digital resources such as lexicons, corpora, dictionaries help spreading the diffusion of regional languages. The project aims to...
CSR covers three main fields : social, economic and environmental, the combination of which contributes to sustainable development. The CSR communication strategies therefore reflect the existence of these three fields, even if, depending on...
The aim of this project is to propose remediation solutions promoting inclusion in various forms and aspects of deviant discourse. We identify the conditions under which such discourses can be detected, as well as...
This project aims to provide NLP resources and tools for L2 learners of French, in order to improve reading and text comprehension. Heterogeneous levels of L2 learners is a real challenge for teachers who...
The manner of speaking a foreign language can constitute a factor of exclusion for some categories of people (immigrants in this case). This project aims to understand the cognitive and social consequences of using...
The innovative nature of the project lies in its interdisciplinary approach to the issue of learning written L2 languages, which is an undeniable vector for the educational and social inclusion of immigrant and newcomer...